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St. Vigil

MTB Fanes-Tour


57,13 km 1537 m max 2171 m


Very long circular tour through the magical Fanes area with its stunning landscape. Impressive rock formations, untouched nature and unique animals and plants characterise this nature reserve. Note! Very steep stretch for pushing or carrying bikes down to Capanna Alpina.



Uscite dall’autostrada del Brennero (A22) all’uscita "“Bressanone”" in direzione Val Pusteria. Percorrete per ca. 20 chilometri la strada statale della Val Pusteria in direzione Brunico. A San Lorenzo del Sebato girate a destra in direzione Alta Badia. Percorrete la Strada longega (SS244) e troverete San Vigilio-Marebbe dopo altri 10 chilometri.

This route runs from San Vigilio all the way to the Fanes pastures past the Pederü refuge. From the Fanes pastures, it leads briefly uphill to Lé de Limo and with a slight slope across the larger Fanes valley, which is no doubt the most awe-inspiring high valley in the Alps, with Piz Taibun and Cima Scotoni making for an unforgettably picturesque backdrop. After a relatively level bit leading to Col de Locia, a very difficult trail descent runs to Capanna Alpina. Then it continues along an easy and slightly downhill slope to San Martino on the Badia valley cycling track.
