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Val Gardena

310 - Variante Bulla


8,42 km 765 m max 1862 m

Skip the lift if you’re feeling up to the challenge and opt for the Bulla alternative and its extra 760 m elevation gain.

Download the route as a single map (PDF) HERE!


The reward of a stunning mountain scenery will be all the sweeter if you decide to replace the lift with the alternative Bulla path. The trail starts at the valley station of the cable car and winds its way across a leisurely woodland path to Digon. This is where the going gets tough: don’t give up and pedal like there’s no tomorrow! The following 600 m elevation gain develop partially on asphalt and a gravel path in equal parts along the Bulla stream. From the mountain stations of Monte Piz and Steger Dellai you’ll have just one kilometre to go before you join the scenic tour again.
