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St. Vigil

Lungiarü to the Val di Murins


0h 37min 1,70 km 159 m max 1555 m

From the church in Longiarü, head south-west towards Frëina/Seres along the road until you reach the bridge. From there, a small path leads through the forest to Frëina. Follow the paved road on the right and, in the bend after the bridge, take the narrow path on your left. Walk past the Vanc farmstead to the hamlet Seres, a lovely example of the extraordinary historic Viles. Val di Murins, the valley of the mills, opens up just before the bridge over the stream.

Take Bressanone North - Val Pusteria highway exit, continue via San Lorenzo, into Val Badia to San Martin de Tor. Pass the village and continue to Lungiarü.
