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Val Gardena

The Vallunga Tour


12,04 km 405 m max 1805 m

A leisurely tour on easy paths set in the idyllic Vallunga is ideal for MTB beginners and families.

Download the route as a single map (PDF) HERE!

To Selva Val Gardena in the direction of Vallunga.

The tour starts in Selva di Val Gardena, briefly following the Val Gardena bike path; it then continues northeast until reaching the entrance of the idyllic Vallunga, marked by the visible bird house at the Utia Ciampac. Continue on a narrow path into the gradually wider valley surrounded by nature. The goal of the tour is a clearing with an impressive view across the massive rocky walls surrounding it. If you’ve thought ahead and brought a snack with you, this is the ideal location for a pic-nic! Return via the same path to the starting point in Selva di Val Gardena.
