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Val Gardena

299 Rifugio Firenze Tour Alternative

Sehr Schwer

2,90 km 399 m max 2517 m

Fancy taking your MTB up to the Seceda summit? Off you go then! An extension of the Firenze Hut circuit.

Download the route as a single map (PDF) HERE!


This alternative of the Firenze Hut circuit starts at the 14 km mark to the right of the main tour’s path. The start of the climb will keep you on your pedals and off your saddle all the way up to the 2,519 m of the Seceda summit. Recharge your batteries at one or two of the eating infrastructures next to the Seceda mountain station. Hop off your MTB once you’ve reached the summit and take in the unfettered view across the mountains: peaks and rocky walls as far as the eye can see. Moreover, bikers can take a closer look at the rocky formations thanks to a replica of the mountain ranges made of COR-TEN steel.
