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Drei Zinnen/Tre tinder

Summer hiking tour - Lago di Braies/Pragser Wildsee - Alpine hut "Rifugio Senes/Senneshütte"


3h 23min 8,71 km 922 m max 2341 m

Hut situated in the heart of the Dolomites, sorrounded by meadows and an impressive mountain backdrop. Go on the west bank of the lake to the south-east end of the lake, then up into “Buco Giavo/Nabiges Loch”, continue to the “Porta Sora al Forn”, and turn right to the “Törl” and the Rifugio Biella/Seekofelhütte. Continue on the wide hiking-way along slightly uphill through pastures and down to the alpine hut “Rifugio Senes/Senneshütte”. Walking time: 4,5 hours Mark: no. 1; no. 6A Difficulty: very demanding

Valley entrance Braies – road junction to Braies lake – continue until Braies lake.
