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285 Tagusens Tour with Moosbühel variant


4,82 km 76 m max 1156 m

The Moosbühel variant of the route leads between the Rendenbühl and Tisenser Bühel hills, and offers a shorter version of the traditional Tagusens loop route. The trail is relatively flat and leads mainly through woodland.

The Moosbühel variant leads straight to Tagusens between the Rendenbühl and Tisenser Bühel hills. The first 2.5 km follows the regular Tagusens loop route and, as soon as you leave the main road behind Tiosels, a fork to the left leads to the Moosbühel variant. The tour leads on through shady woodland, initially along a tarred route and then a forest trail. At the end, you arrive at Tagusa from the south and turn to the left once again to get back onto the loop route.  

Here you find the PDF for download
