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Seiser Alm

From Kastelruth to the Witch Benches on Puflatsch


3h 54min 12,00 km 727 m max 2101 m

For centuries, the Witch Benches on Puflatsch have been a place of magical significance for people. Allegedly, the Schlern witches gathered here to fly together to the Schlern. Although no witches can be found there today, the porphyry rock steps, shaped like chairs, are still beautiful to look at and invite visitors to linger. A special highlight is the panoramic view of the Schlern and the Seiser Alm, Tiosels, the Grödnertal, Ritten, and the Ortler in the distance.

Visitors can choose to start the hike in Kastelruth or take the Marinzen chairlift, located in the eastern part of Kastelruth's town center. The hiking tour starts at the mountain station of the Marinzen lift. The road to the Seiser Alm nature reserve is closed to private traffic from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Within this time, you can reach the Seiser Alm by Seiser Alm railway or bus. Departure from Compatsch is possible at any time.

The hiking tour starts at the mountain station of the Marinzen chairlift, where a signpost with the inscription "Schafstall, Puflatsch" (Mark. 9) indicates the direction. After the Schafstall hut, the relatively steep ascent to Puflatsch begins (Mark. 8). Once at the top, the path meets the Puflatsch circular trail, which leads to the Arnikahütte on the left side. The circular trail continues to the Goller Kreuz viewpoint and finally to the Witch Benches.

For the descent to the Schafstall hut, the same path used for the ascent is taken. From the Schafstall hut, a forest path leads down towards Kastelruth. In the forest on the right side of the path, there are two rock chairs known as the Witch Chairs, another resting place of the Schlern witches. The last part of the hike leads back to Kastelruth via Tiosels.
