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Seiser Alm

James-Kwambai running track


2h 33min 8,89 km 272 m max 1816 m

The medium-length route starts and ends in Saltria and leads through beautiful forest paths across the eastern Seiser Alm. The running trail is moderately challenging in terms of technical difficulty.

The road to the Seiser Alm nature reserve is closed to private vehicles from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. During this time, you can either access the Seiser Alm via the Seiser Alm cable car from Seis or take the bus from Kastelruth. You can leave the Seiser Alm by car at any time.

Seiser Alm cable car

The James Kwambai track offers unique trail running through beautiful, open pine forests. If you're lucky, you might even spot a capercaillie. This running loop is perfect for those seeking tranquility and wanting to enjoy the fresh forest air.
