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Drei Zinnen

Summer hiking tour - Prato Piazza/Plätzwiese - Monte Specie/Strudelkopf


1h 28min 4,08 km 359 m max 2305 m

From the Prato Piazza/Plätzwiese alpine guesthouse to Rif. Vallandro/ Dürrensteinhütte and to the old Austrian Prato Piazza works. From there to Monte Specie/ Strudelkopf ridge and on easy terrain to the summit. Sign-post: No. 37, from Rif. Vallandro/Dürrensteinhütte No.34

Valley entrance Braies – road junction to Prato Piazza – continue until Ponticello. From Ponticello until Prato Piazza there is a traffic regulation from June until October (drive up is possible until 10.00 am and after 16 pm) – max. 100 cars. Bus service available.
